Saturday, July 3, 2010

Weekend get-away

So this last weekend that Sy has here in Arizona for awhile, we are in the desert visiting his father and mother in law. It's pretty cool to see the mountains and the view and be relaxed and not have five million things to do. I'm kind of sad though because when we go home tomorrow, we will only have three days left to spend time together. On Monday we are having our mommy/daddy date night, on Tuesday we are having dinner with the Meyers to get our monthly sushi fix, and Wednesday night is family night. Thursday morning I will get up and take Sy to the airport. It's going to be a difficult day, but I know that I have wonderful family and friends who will be there for me to support me. We both know that this is the right decision for us, but the reality of being away from each other for this long is truly hitting home. It's a pretty heavy weight and we are carrying it quite well so far. I love my husband and my girls and that is all I need to get through this! I hope . . .


  1. You CAN do it! You two have such a wonderful relationship! I can't imagine how hard this is going to be on you guys...but I'll be there in a coupld of weeks to give you a huge hug!!

  2. Lexi, I am so proud of you! You are amazing! Thank you for doing this blog, what a great idea. You are very good at it! I Love You and Both You and Sy have my full support. Love, MoM
